His Voice

There have been times in my life when I have thought that I had to have an answer or "else"!
"Else' could be any act that I thought would bring some kind of answer even if it was the wrong answer. Action..... this is what I thought was desperately needed. Surely I would not be left to wait and wait......indefinitely. There are times when prayer is an act of desperation instead of trust in the one who will answer. My one is God. I thank God that he is a kind and patient Father who looks at my child-like faith with joy and mercy. With joy because He said to come to Him as a little child and with mercy because at times I am not an obedient or patient child. It was during one of my or "Else" moments that He gently reminded me.....

When you are ready to listen.
You will hear my voice.

I have never forgotten His gentle wisdom and I have taken it to heart. I still have my "moments" but I am always brought back by His still, small voice that comforts me in the midst of my storm.
When I am ready.....I do hear His voice.
Ready means I am willing to hear His word concerning my attitude and my actions in the light of His love and instruction.

Are you ready?



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