I Can Adjust

How easily do you adjust? Can you recognize a new season when it appears on the horizon? Learning to manage your life during these times is mandatory for your personal well-being. Thinking of future grandchildren, I realized the beauty of enjoyment from a measured distance, rather than a hands on form of management.
There is a season for all things, and in managing your choices and your life, there is a need to recognize a season. I relate most easily to raising my children and keeping an orderly home, in that order. In essence, the CEO of my own mini corporation. Running my home life in a smooth fashion was time consuming, yet necessary for the good of my family, as well as my sanity. As they grew, I had to adjust my means of operation in every area of our life, to accommodate the continued growth. This was not always enjoyable, yet, very necessary.
Every time there was growth, there was adjustment. Life does not come with an extra hook or extra buttons for increase. You can only zip up so much and then it is time to move on, into a different season. You may experience many emotions while managing your life. But keep in mind, this is but for a season. This too shall pass.
Have excellence as a personal motto, so that, regardless of your title...Mom, CEO, or Grandmamma you can enjoy your season from a measured distance or right in the midst of things.


Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:


Stephanie said…
I love this post, Debbie! I wholeheartedly agree with you! Making the right choices in life is sometimes time-consuming but very necessary for everyone's well-being. Not always fun?...lol...I sometimes dreamed of a huge rock in the middle of nowhere that I could hide under. ;) I have very much enjoyed watching my children grow into the wonderful beings that they are today....and now I'm a GrandMama, so a new season has began. :)
I too,am looking forward to the gift of grandchildren.
Rejoicing in the multitude of seasons in our lives.

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