Be Not Weary-Life Happens

Are you weary? I am. As I write this this morning I consider the things that lie before me.
Some days it is nothing but sheer effort that moves us forward. It may be from a general lack of rest,difficult people and difficult situations, to there just doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
Ever have one of those kind of days? or weeks? or months? I have.
Well the scripture below has been a softly humming song in my mind all morning. I want to suggest that you take a few moments to consider the need to realign your mind with God's good word to you and me.
He promises a harvest if we persevere until the end. Do not think it unusual, that with the best laid plans that life still happens.
The issue is not life but how we skillfully apply God's word to our lives. Remember it is not that you will not have cause to be weary, you will. Just remember that there is a harvest time coming, do not give up!!!! Rest as you need to, think on His word, and do not consider it unusual the trials and testings that happen to us all. Be in it to win it.


Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


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