
Recently, I put the garbage on the curb to be picked up.

Little did I know that the Lord would use my garbage and some well intentioned people to teach me a lesson this week.

It is my custom, early in the morning to spend some time clearing out the refuse of a busy life.
This requires diligence, a daily plan of action, followed by action after spending time in God's word.

With the basics done, I started my normal routine or custom. This particular morning I needed to take some garbage to the curb!
This morning it was real garbage I took to the curb not mental refuse.
Or so I thought!

And so the lesson of the day began....
Enter two well intentioned helpers who decide to bring the garbage cans back to the house.
I said a quick thank you to them and almost immediately I heard the garbage truck pull up in front of my house.

Ugh! Annoyance!
I quickly realized the garbage cans had not actually been emptied as I made an annoyed sound.

The past week had been very busy, and I was having a bit of a struggle to not show my annoyance at their honest mistake.
A quick swallow and an even quicker verbal assurance that it was "Alright".
I assured them that the cans were not completely full and would be emptied next week .

I asked the well intentioned helpers to forgive my attitude of annoyance, which they quickly did.
I then retreated for some time alone to ask God what I could learn from the situation after realizing my attitude stunk worse than the garbage.

This is what I learned.
There are occasions in life when we bring our garbage to the curb, thinking the can has been emptied.
And yet, during a time of duress, we may find its stinky contents still clinging to the can.

The garbage can be lack of forgiveness, bitterness, jealously, etc… there are many types of garbage.

So, if you find your can back at the house not emptied.
Quickly take it back to the curb and leave it there, until the one whose mercies are new every morning clears it away!


All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2012 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the King James bible. Would you like to see what I am currently painting? Click on these links or Would you like to hear a bible story read to you? Click here


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