
I hope today is a wonder filled day for you.
Sometimes we wonder how will we make it, how will we possiably get everything done!
But remember, today is a gift, given to you.
A gift...that needs to be unwrapped. Sometimes, quickly and joyfully as a child and sometimes you have to unwrap the day slowly and thoughtfully to see the beauty within.

This day with all its challenges, is a day that will never be again.
So...enjoy....you are growing, you are learning, and we are glad you are here on planet Earth.
It would not be the same without you and your unique contribution to everyday life.


Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Judy said…

You write as beautifully as you paint...Capturing the texture and hues of the portrait that God our Father is painting for us today. It truly is how we unwrap this gift and I appreciate so much the reminder.
Thank you for including me....

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