
Rhythm is something that occurs naturally yet we usually ignore the process. Everyday life has a rhythm. Most of us feel a sense of uneasiness when our rhythm is disturbed. Yet life constantly throws a few bumps in our path to interrupt the rhythm of our life. To everything there is a season and a time... so adjust your rhythm. Have you ever tried to dance with someone who was slighty out of beat. It is awkward at best, but with a few adjustments you can find the flow to move through life gracefully again.
There is a popular country song that says "I Hope You Dance".
At times situations in life can have you waltzing and then a Tango. Whatever the beat....remember.... you can dance and the Lord is singing over you with joy.

Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

I hope YOU dance,


Anonymous said…
Hi Debbie,

Thank you for your beautiful post today - right now I am in the TANGO
mode of life, getting ready to fly off to visit Kristi for two months.


You are welcome! I can just imagine you with a flower in your hair and a colorful scarf about your shoulders dancing the Tango.
Wishing you a safe trip and a wonder filled visit.

Kristin said…
This is serendipidous. I woke up this morning, remembering to "adjust thyself" to whatever comes my way. I prefer to be in a cozy rhythm with life, and need to learn to adapt when the little path before me veers here, and there... I had been reading Joyce last night (Meyers, not James!) and enjoying her message about adapting. Thanks for this post. I love it!

(Now to work on getting my Mom's plane ticket. Shhh. Don't tell her but that path (possibility) veered a bit and we'll need to "tango" a bit to the right of the obstacle! She'll get here, I trust!
Thanks, Kristin. Praying for obstacles to be removed from your path. Ground and air! It is such a blessing to be able to still enjoy a dance with ones Mom. Enjoy, your time together. God bless you both:)


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