Giving What You Need

Do you need anything? I do. It almost appears selfish, yet I have need of many things. So I apply myself to what I need. Therefore, if I am depressed, I seek to make someone else cheered. If I am in need of affirmation, I try to build up someones self esteem. If in need of affection, kindness, etc....well then that is what I try to give another. This method does not always make me feel better but it is conducive to making me put others first and temporarily forget about myself and my needs or more likely my wants!
And yes, there is a definite difference between what I need and what I want.
So today I am encouraging you to GIVE what you need.


Luke 6:38
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.


One arm,second arm, wrap across your chest, squeeze gently. Air hug is the only kind I can give you today.
Love You bunches,
runninggal said…
You are an amazing encourager. Your posts to my blog have been exactly what my tired soul has needed. Every time I saw a "Debbi Chavers has left you a comment" message in my inbox, my heart would skip for joy because I needed just that!

Thank you!

I have continued to blog afterall, so keep visiting as you can!
Runninggal what an encourager you are, I'm still smiling from ear to ear! I am so glad you are still blogging. I am reading your entries, very cool. I love how your writing style leaves me in suspense in a very unfearful way as to what will happen next! By what I am of your gifts must be writing:)

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