Words, Weed and Reseed

Words, words, and more words. We talk and talk and talk some more.

Simply said...most of us talk too much and do not say enough.

Communication is more than words, it is the fruit of our actions. Scripture tells us that our tongue is a small member that can start a fire. Think before you speak. Our words are seed.

There will be a harvest. If you have planted...you will reap.

The Lord impressed upon me the seriousness of our (my) words. Are you reaping what appears to be a foreign crop. Have you no idea from whence it came? Consider your seed...your words...your declaration...your idle chit chat.

After a time of reflection many years ago, I found that I was reaping an unwanted harvest. I told the Lord that I did not know what to do. He told me if I did not like the harvest that my words and actions had planted, that I needed to "Weed and Reseed" my fields.

The garden of our lives needs constant attention. Do not be idle.
Plough the garden of your life with a tongue that has been seasoned by the Word of God.


Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.


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