Marathon=Focused Intensity

Are You Thirsty?
© Debbie Turner Chavers
Sometimes life seems like a marathon. On some days I train hard and yet forget to eat and drink. I find my strength is feeble and the road seems too long.
And yet....there is a cool spot of shade and running water just ahead. There is a spring of living water that beckons and with the last of my resolve I push through until I fall in an exhausted heap of need beside the still water of His presence.
My soul hungrily devours His presence, until peace replaces my need and strength floods my soul.
I have watched others running with all their might toward a goal of dubious value and yet they knew they had to train, and strengthen their body's endurance to last until the finish line. There are people who will stand on the side lines to cheer them forward and hand off a cup of water to help them on their journey. There is an inner urging to keep moving toward the finish line.
A focused intensity.

There is a need to focus our intensity. It is easy to lag behind and lose focus of why you entered this race of your faith. The marathon of life makes many demands upon your being. It is necessary to renew your strength and refocus as you run. The Lord is in the race with you. He is encouraging you onward and hands you a cup of living water as you thirst. The race has a beginning and an end. He sends you off, He provides for you as you run, and He waits at the Finish line for your triumphant entry. Do not give up.

Be in it to win it.


Philippians 3:14
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

1Corinthians 9:24
Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

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