
Thanksgiving Day is a few hours away and I want to encourage you to count your blessings. Yes, one by one.
It might sound time consuming, but try it. You will be surprised at how much better you feel.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday. But thanksgiving is something we can celebrate daily as we think on those things which bless us.

In the Old Testament there were different types of offerings. Some were required by the Old Testament law and some offerings were free will offerings. In other words, offered at will by the individual in gratitude..

Today, Jesus shed blood made the final sacrifice by the offering of His shed blood and body on the cross. And His offering fulfilled all that was needed.
Yet, I can still offer God by my free will, a thanksgiving offering.
A thanksgiving offering of looking for the good and thanking Him. Offering Him my grateful attitude. By expressing in word and deed, that I am thankful for His provision.
You can chose to look for the good in your life and be thankful.
Give thanks with me and may you have a time of thanksgiving that does not end by the end of the day but continues in your actions daily.


Leviticus 22:29 And when ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer [it] at your own will.


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