
You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world.
Your input, your presence, are needed.
Reach out.
How can you add value to another person or a situation?
By volunteering to help outside of yourself and your needs.
This might be as simple as helping someone close to you. Example: A neighbor.
You have been gifted to bring about positive change in your world.

There are people and things that make up your world and your circle of influence.
You can make a positive difference.
Prayerfully consider the needs around you. The world is full of needs.
Make a choice.
Not once, but daily. Prayerfully consider where your time and effort should be spent today.
Do not make a job of it. Today. You are giving something from yourself today.

Your gift of volunteering could be 10 minutes of undivided helpfulness toward another persons need.
This is not an opportunity to be used but to be useful.
Regardless of our time commitments we can schedule a bit of volunteering.
Obviously you have commitments that need to be fulfilled. Work and family.
Yet, we as a complete package belong to the Lord. Therefore our time belongs to Him also.
So volunteer.
Give the Lord your hands, feet, understanding, abilities, etc...
Give a few minutes or a chunk of your very precious time on a regular basis.
We all have 24 hours a day, but minute by minute we are spending our allotted time, not knowing how many minutes are in our lifetime bank.
So spend yours prayerfully and carefully.


Colossians 3:23
And whatsoever ye do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;


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