The Safety Pin

At times, small issues can seem enormous. Life and other people can seem petty.
When this occurs, an adjustment of attitude, some sort of mental hug is in order.

My first inclination during dry spells is to retreat. To spend time alone, or with my husband.
Avoiding contact with others, until I can see the positive in people once again with God's help.
But last week God had a different plan and did not wait long to share it with me by allowing my button to fall off my pants!

This was one of those times in life when my glass was not half empty or half full.

I needed encouragement, a mental hug. A renewal.
My hug came through the gift of a safety pin.

After a hectic start on my first full day of vacation, the last thing I needed was a button to fall off my pants! Or so I thought.
This small aggravation left me exposed in my clothing choice and in attitude.
After packing for vacation what would have sufficed for almost any occasion, I still lacked a sewing kit or a safety pin.
What to do now?

My answer came as I approached the sink in the store bathroom to wash my hands.
As I came near the sink, I heard and saw a woman muttering and fussing to no one in general. She stood at the sink watching me in the mirror as I approached.
Noticing that I was still being watched, I explained briefly, that my button had fallen off as I stooped to retrieve it from the floor. She said nothing in return.

Momentarily, I paused to smile at her and turned to leave when I heard her mutter something in my direction.
"Here" she said abruptly, as she extended her hand toward me.
She was offering me a bent safety pin which had seen better days.

It was a small, silver, safety pin.
Yet it appeared jewel like, extended in the hand of a stranger. Just what I needed.
She appeared embarrassed by her offer of help and awkwardly returned my joyful hug as I thanked her.
She smiled and gave me a firm hug back..... no longer muttering.

I had a great vacation with many blessings but the gift of the safety pin is definitely a memory I will treasure.
The act of kindness to a stranger from a stranger helped restore more than my gaping waistband, it helped pin back together my bruised desire to be an encouragement and help others.
From the smallest gift, we can encourage one another to press on. Do not doubt your ability or your gifts to make a difference today.

Being held together by His Love,

© 2010 Debbie Turner Chavers

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.


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