Outreach Ministries

Today I am bringing attention to a few of the Outreach Ministries in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I think it is encouraging to see others reaching out to bring hope to other people.
Here is a brief synopsis of the ministry and I encourage you to check out their individual programs.
I have gathered information from several of the outreaches and had the privilege of interviewing several of the individuals involved.
Each has a passion for their given ministry. The First Baptist Church, which is located right off the Murfreesboro town square, has donated the use of a large building to house the listed ministries.

I encourage you to prayerfully consider helping any or all of the ministries in their task. Whether it is time, money or effort that you are led to expend, pray.
Pray for each ministry and those involved.
Simply. Pray.
Now is the time to pray. It is a gift that keeps giving.

I have copied a few of their brochures and condensed their literature to give an over view. Thank you for taking the time to check out their individual websites.

* Remember always, God loves you very much.


Doors of Hope,Inc.

Changing Futures...From the Inside Out
P.O. Box 332392
Murfreesboro,Tn 37133

Maridel Williams is the President/Executive Director and is assisted by many dedicated individuals.
email- opendoorsofhope@gmail.com 
web- http://opendoorsofhope.org/

Doors of Hope, Inc. is a community-based 501(c)3. Their mission is dedicated to helping women who have gone through a period of incarceration to build a productive life and stay out of prison.
Through the efforts of caring individuals, each woman is given support through the process of starting a new life.
This outreach helps prepare the women for a productive life as they transition back into daily life. Finding a job, a place to live, taking responsibility, and giving back to the community are a few of the "life helps" that are shared.  The "Godmother" program encourages participation with individuals who will take the time and effort to connect one on one with program participants.  The basic information is listed below for this arm of ministry.  There are many ways to help bring hope, contact the ministry to find out more, "To open a door of hope."

Brochure from Doors of Hope


The Greenhouse Learning Center

309 S. Spring Street
Murfreesboro,Tn. 37130

Malia Grubbs is the Director of Education
email   malia.grubbs@greenhousemin.org
Gary Patrick is the Education Assistant
web www.greenhousemin.org

The Learning Center is a ministry arm of Greenhouse Ministries which is a 501(c)3 faith-based, inter-denominational, non-profit organization.

The Greenhouse Learning Center has many outreaches. Read the brochures below to see a few of them. All services for the Learning Center begin through the evaluation of Greenhouse counselors to determine need of program assistance. If you would like to volunteer to help, volunteer orientations are given every second Tuesday at 10 am and 6:30 pm at the Greenhouse.  Call the listed number or check their website for any updates.

Greenhouse offers the classes for free but seating is limited in each class, so you must sign up before the class session begins. You can visit the website www.greenhousemin.org or call 615-494-0499 for the current class schedules

web link General Class Information

Greenhouse Ministries has two retail stores. The Garden Patch Thrift Shoppe  is open :

Tuesday - Thursday • 10:00-5:00
Friday • 10:00-4:00
Saturday • 10:00-2:00

They also have a warehouse with furniture for sale on Wednesdays and Thursday from 12-3:00 pm.

Donations and the sales from these stores help fund the outreaches.
If you would like to donate click on this link, which will take you to their accountability page and donation tab.


The Timothy Network
It's About People Leading Others to a Transforming Faith in Jesus

P.O. Box 332555
Murfreesboro, TN 37133
web http://timothynetwork.org/
Mike Stroud is the contact person, the Timothy Network is a non-profit ministry.

What if a handful of Christians decided to get serious about discipleship? We've asked ourselves that question and decided to do something about it. Real. Serious. Discipleship. Welcome to the Timothy Network.

The Quest for Intentional Discipleship, Jesus had a lot to say about discipleship. His teachings focused on character formation rather than external behavior – “a righteousness inside out.” He called disciples to live in submission to His kingdom rule; his call is the same today.

Growing as a disciple of Jesus is more of an organic process than a program. Programs tend to follow a one-size-fits-all approach, focusing on regimentation and structure. Jesus didn’t have a program. He focused on developing people in a highly individualized and relational way. He worked with a few at a time, one conversation at a time, one relationship at a time – life on life. Much like a Master Gardener cares for his garden, Jesus fed, watered and individually nurtured his disciples. He “grew” them in close communion with one another. Any worthwhile effort to make disciples must follow this natural, relational path.
Our passion is to see a revolution of disciple making by getting relational!


Our work launched in August 2005. The mission involves a focused attempt to make multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ. Anybody paying attention can see a gap between “theory and practice” when it comes to evangelism in America in the 21st century. There’s a divide between the church’s desire to be evangelistic and what is actually getting done. We’d like to help congregations bridge the chasm by equipping believers in a “Jesus-style” of disciple making – one that centers on relationally investing in a few people at a time. Disciple making should be reproducible from generation to generation. That said, our efforts are specifically aimed at preparing men and women in the practice of making disciples who are, in turn, capable of multiplying by discipling others. (See blog post citing Phil Downer on “Start a Chain Reaction.”)

It is also our quest to foster authentic discipleship through purposeful teaching and training within small discipling networks. We hope to develop a base of Christ-followers who authentically answer the call to be a “cross shaped” people. As men and women are nurtured to grow in Christ, it’s our aim to equip them in becoming disciple makers. Every mature believer should be involved in some aspect of making disciples, but they must be intentionally equipped for the mission. Just like healthy adults naturally reproduce in the physical realm, every mature believer should be able to reproduce spiritually by making other disciples.

Discipleship has too often been reduced to a set of steps, rules, formulas, and rituals. Consequently, much of the emphasis can get placed on what happens during the worship hour on Sunday mornings. When this happens Christianity becomes “a religion.” Instead of training and encouraging one another in obedience to the kingdom ethic of Jesus (loving enemies, practicing forgiveness, trusting God, etc.), we get bogged down within the walls of our church buildings. The main goals and core values of The Timothy Network are predicated on the conviction that discipleship is a day-by-day, life-long process of patient endurance and obedience. We want to help Christ-followers be a real salt and light influence in the world – not just people who espouse “religious belief.”

While disciple-making is reduced to canned one-shot approaches by some, experience shows hurried-up evangelism doesn’t always produce long lasting results. Focused teaching on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, intentional/relational investment in a few at a time, and training in spiritual reproduction (multiplying) is the missions focus of our work.

The Timothy Network is a disciple making project aimed at tapping into God’s design for human beings. God “hard-wired” us need to one another. We were meant to grow and thrive within community. We’re intellectual, emotional and social beings. Each of these aspects of our nature working in tandem is how healthy discipleship takes form and is lived out. Understanding and knowing the Word is crucial, but filling our heads with knowledge isn’t enough. Information without transformation leads to legalism and hypocrisy. Knowing God has to become an ingrained part of our spiritual DNA. This happens slowly and within the context of accountable relationships. The writer of Proverbs spokes to the importance of relationships in saying, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

The core building block of our ministry is the “equipping cell,” a small group of three – five people that meets weekly for focused Bible study, prayer and transparent interaction. These groups “live life together” and encourage one another in their walk with God. Equipping cells are training / discipling groups designed to mature believers and prepare them for the work of reproduction (i.e. making other disciples).

Mike Stroud, Director / Discipling Minister

Copyright © 2012 The Timothy Network. All Rights Reserved.


Barnabas Vision

P.O. Box 10746
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37129-0015
web http://thebarnabasvision.org/

David Coggin is the Executive Director.  Barnabas Vision is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

"Barnabas Vision offers service opportunities utilizing various talents from our community. While still in its infant stages, we’re collecting volunteer information for future community projects and outreach efforts. "

The Barnabas Vision is a Christ-focused organization committed to bringing hope to a lost and broken world. We believe that through our dedication to Christian stewardship and leadership God can change the world one life at a time.

◦Become a light and a support system to the community of Rutherford County.

◦Respond to the needs of people by offering both short term and long term services.

◦Reach out to international students and residents as they adjust to life in Rutherford County.

◦Expand mentoring programs and work together on projects with other organizations, such as Greenhouse Ministries, Timothy Network, and churches.

◦Spend time in short term mission efforts.

◦Encourage other people to use their talents and abilities to care for others.

What We Do
Working independently and with Churches and other Christian organizations, Barnabas Vision will accomplish its mission by initially offering:

◦Caring like Jesus: Providing teaching and mentoring to individuals and teachers on caring for others with Jesus as our example.

◦Encourage like Barnabas: Helping people realize their potential and value.

◦Helping hands: Working with churches to reach out to their members and to the community by offering the skills of willing volunteers in their time of need.

◦Frequent visits to health care facilities: Visiting and encouraging patients in health care facilities and offering support to them and their families; continuing to follow up on caring for the patients and families after they leave the facilities; reaching out to families after a loved one passes away.

Volunteer Opportunities
Prayer (Join the Prayer Team)
We send out occasional prayer requests and other specific updates that need prayerful attention. We ask that you pray as soon as possible after reading the email. No other action is required other than prayer, and we trust you to pray as much as you feel led to pray.

Opportunities to drive someone to a doctor's appointment or other errand.

We don't expect you to pay for supplies. We're mainly after your expertise in building wheelchair ramps, repairing more-than-simple construction-related items, and other such work.
Basic, around-the-house repairs that are easily done by some but impossible for others.

We'd love to offer budgeting and other basic life-skill classes. Please let us know your ideas and what you could offer in this area.

Sitting With Someone
Sometimes we simply need the company of a friend. If you're willing to be that friend, to sit with someone who may not have regular visitors or friends, this is an excellent gift.

Copyright © Barnabas Vision, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2012 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the King James bible. Would you like to see what I am currently painting? Click on these links http://artparables.com or http://debbieturnerchavers.com Would you like to hear a bible story read to you? Click here http://www.youtube.com/user/debbieturnerchavers

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