John C. Maxwell

A few months ago I purchased an NKJV of the bible.  It is called  The Maxwell Leadership Bible, Lessons in Leadership from the Word of God by John C. Maxwell.
I normally study and read from a King James Version of the bible, but occasionally will use the NIV also.  The reason I bought the Leadership version is because I have watched John be interviewed many times and have been blessed by his insight of leadership principles.  I have not read all his comments included in this bible yet, but I am reading them along with areas that I am studying at the moment.  So far I have been blessed by the notes I have read so I thought I would post for anyone who would like to check it out.
LifeWay has an ereader version available. Click here to access .  The ereader copy is in NIV format.  You can purchase a briefcase edition or hardback copy at several stores and online.


Description from LifeWay:
The Leadership expert, John Maxwell, brings an in-depth look at God's laws for leaders and leadership.
God has shown us in the Bible the time-tested and irrefutable principles of leadership. John C. Maxwell has assembled these biblical teachings to equip and encourage leaders and those who serve with them to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This revised and updated edition presents John's latest refinements of these principles. 
Features include: 
  • 2 New Laws - Law of Addition and the Law of Picture
  • New major articles and new notes throughout the Bible that connect with the new Laws
  • New notes that reflect Maxwell's works since the Feb 2002 release of the "Maxwell Leadership Bible," including "The 360 Leader," "Talent Is Never Enough," "25 Ways to Win with People," and "The Difference Maker"
  • Revised indexes to the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader
The study of God's word is imperative to lead successfully.  God has equipped us to lead and has given us the principles in His word. Studying to show ourselves approved is wise and necessary.

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


I am studying in 2 Timothy chapter 1 right now and one of the leadership comments was in reference to God equipping us.  This is an excerpt from page 1508, The Law of Empowerment:  God Gives Us What We Need to Lead
"God gave Timothy (and us!) everything needed to accomplish the job.  He empowers us before He ever expects from us.  He gives before He demands.  We receive His competence before we receive His commands."  -John C. Maxwell

All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2015 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the King James bible. Would you like to see what I am currently painting? Click on these links or

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