You Can Make a Difference

The two paragraph excerpts below caught my attention.  Thus my blog today. You may never know the eternal and daily difference that your witness of Jesus Christ does in our world. The average life basically goes unnoticed by men, yet can be bill board size in heaven.  
One decision can truly effect a life.  
This mothers decision could have devastated a life.  Bill's decision to follow Christ changed the effect of his mothers decision. We all make choices everyday.  
Today...choose life.  
A better life. 
One person reached out and helped someone and now the one who was now helping thousands!

You can make a positive difference.



An excerpt from...Metro World Child site.  The introduction for Pastor Bill Wilson.

Abandoned on a street corner by his mother at the age of 12, Pastor Bill sat and waited for her at that corner for 3 days. She never came back. A Christian layman who was on his way to see his son in the hospital stopped and picked him up. Anybody could have stopped, but it was the Christian man who stopped. After getting him a hot meal, this gentleman paid for Pastor Bill to attend a Sunday School camp, where he gave his life to Christ. This was the start of his incredible walk with God – one that would change thousands of lives.

Metro World Child is committed to providing hope and building futures for children living in adverse conditions in metropolitan areas around the world. Whether faced with the physical effects of poverty or the dangers of gangs, violence, abuse and hopelessness, we want to see children’s lives placed on a new path through the life-changing love of Christ. By meeting children where they are, personally investing in their lives and presenting the Gospel in a fun, accessible way, we believe we can build foundations that lead to hope, a future and better lives for children around the world.

Robert Moffat
Another short excerpt of someone (unknown) by man, but not unknown to God . This person made a difference to Robert Moffat's life and ultimately a nation.

Excerpt from Profiles in Evangelism © 1976 from
Scottish pioneer missionary to South Africa for over 50 years. He opened mission stations in the interior, translated the Bible into the language of the Bechuanas, and wrote two missionary books on South Africa: Labors and Scenes in South Africa and Rivers of Water in a Dry Place. His oldest daughter Mary, married David Livingstone. 

When I think of Robert Moffat, I am rightly reminded of the Scripture in Zechariah 4:10, which witnesses, "For who hath despised the day of small things?"

It seemed a small thing to some godly men in a southern Scotland church when a boy about four years old, from a home of poor but pious parents, knelt at an altar to pray. His decision was despised by the elders as one who was too young to understand. Thank God, one unnamed, unknown-to-us brother bothered to kneel in prayer with "Robbie."
Moffat may well have been converted to Christ then — if not, it was the commencement of a chain of events that led to his conversion and to the opening of doors of evangelism to the uncharted depths of the dark continent of Africa.

All of Matthew 25
Zechariah 4:10  For who hath despised the day of small things?

** If you click on the art parable painting title you will be redirected to its website for more information about the painting.                        

All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2015 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved.
Scripture references taken from the King James bible which can be accessed online at
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