Car Wash?

There are all kinds of cars and all kinds of people. People and cars need to be washed and detailed regularly.
I have been thinking about Ephesians 5:26 regularly. One of the ways we like to clean our flesh vehicle is to attend church for fellowship, praise,worship and attendance to God's word.
Gathering in groups to study the word of God is similar to going through a drive through car wash. The car is washed but you still might want to detail your vehicle before or after the washing.
Most individuals visit the detail area to do a thorough cleaning of the inside of the car.
In this illustration, detailing represents our individual time spent in His word and in His presence.
I want to encourage you to take time for the detailing.
After all most of us appreciate that new car smell!


Ephesians 5:26,27  That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish.

All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the King James bible which can be accessed online Click on these links or

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