
Showing posts from July, 2014

Think on These Things

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things  are  honest, whatsoever things  are  just, whatsoever things  are  pure, whatsoever things  are  lovely, whatsoever things  are  of good report; if  there be  any virtue, and if  there be any  praise, think on these things. Daily we are given the opportunity to think.  There are so many scriptures that admonish us to control our thoughts.  I want to encourage you to put up an umbrella of God's word over your thinking cap! It is imperative to your well being to imprint God's word in your spirit.  To see yourself in God's Word.  See yourself in the pages of victory. The Bible...your love story. Your great adventure.  Your battle won.  Your land of more than enough.  Your moment when the sun stands still.   See yourself and His love for you woven in the tapestry of time.  God has not for...