
Showing posts from August, 2010

Breathe Deeply

There is an automatic relaxation response when you breathe deeply. While working this morning I saw a picture of the ocean and involuntarily took a deep breath and felt a flood of peacefulness pass across me. Relax my mind tells me. I comply by focusing momentarily on the moment. Literally taking a moment, to take in the moment. I have on purpose placed an object, a color, or a sound in my immediate atmosphere to cause me to focus on a positive, deep breath. To use these things to refocus my attention on the positive. My goal is to be mindful. To walk in peace, to relax. God's written word, the Bible has a similar effect on me. So I take time to rest in His word. Inwardly I breath in His breathe, His peace which passes understanding. Allowing His Spirit to renew my mind in His word. As I focus on His written Word, I breath deeply, feeling the cares of the moment slipping a way, until His way has pre-eminence in me. There are many ways to cause the Relax response.


What is more lovely than being wanted? Humans as a whole seek to belong, to be wanted. I believe that one of the most beautiful things about God is that He wants you. He wants me. He wants to be our God as well as our friend. When everyone else turns away, or just walks away. There He is . Can you see Him? Throughout history God has reached out to us by His Spirit and with written love letters called the Bible. He sent His Son to tell us in person. See Him. See Him standing with the woman caught in adultery in John 8. See Him stopping to speak to Zacchaeus, in Luke 19. Throughout the book of Hosea you see the redeeming love of God toward man. The parables of Christ point repeatedly to searching and finding, from the lost coin, to the lost sheep. God is ever seeking you . He created you for Himself. HE LOVES YOU. He wants YOU. ~Debbie © 2010 Debbie Turner Chavers John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condem

The Starfish Foster Home needs HELP

Today, I would like to draw your attention to your ability to help. I am asking you to help the babies of the Starfish home. Prayerfully consider what you, your business, your church, or group can do to help Amanda and the Starfish babies. Thank you for caring and sharing what you can. To help a child is always a good thing, Debbie I have copied Amanda's blog entry below for your consideration. You can find out more about the babies and what Amanda and her staff are doing by clicking on the links. Looking For Skilled Volunteers After being in the same place for five years STARFISH has to move. We have found a house which is really suitable for us, but needs some major work and we found out yesterday that we will be able to move in there, but before that happens we have to renovate. In order to do that, I will need some major help. Do you perhaps know a plumber, electrician, handyman experienced do-it-yourselfer that will be willing to come to China for a month or two and com