
Showing posts from 2016

A Prayer of Holy Rest

Yesterday, as I read Luke 11, the words "certain and ceased" grabbed my attention. Luke 11:1 is the introduction to the Lord's Prayer. Luke 11:1 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. Cast Your Cares © 2014 Debbie Turner Chavers I am sure John taught his disciples well, but humanity and fleshy endeavors do not equal rest. He ceased is what grabbed my attention. There are certain places..situations where I prayed and ceased. When I should have "seized" the prayer of faith and confessed the Lord's Prayer of provision and thanksgiving. There is a holy rest in the Lord's prayer. A humbling of heart that confesses not me and my ability, but His provision for all things concerning me. All things concerning you. His will, not mine. My total dependence daily upon my Creator for my physical and spiritual bread.

Ruffled Feathers

A Cup of Blessing © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers Have you ever had a day where one thing after another seemed to rub you the wrong way? I had that kind of day last week. One thing after another gave me an opportunity to react in a not so patient way! I found myself....puffing up. Typing this is starting to make me laugh. I can just see my frustrated  self  in my minds eye. I probably didn't look all that different on the outside....but on the inside....I was ruffled! I tried to put a smile on my face and keep walking, one foot in front of the other. But no. Not working. Still smarting from the aggravation of my day, I heard the still small voice of the Lord tell me to separate myself from the group I was with and take a break for a few minutes alone. Explaining that I needed to go sit on a bench outside for a few, I left the group, to gather my thoughts and reclaim a better attitude. I found a bench and sat down, still puffed up and ruffled inside. Within secon

Poem: Relationship With A Fickle Heart

1/2 Hearted Obedience,  Double-Minded Man  © 2013 Debbie Turner Chavers Water-Man Series Relationship with a Fickle Heart There was a time when I said  I love you BUT I changed my mind I admired your everything with rose colored glasses BUT you changed my mind I gathered your experiences of time and place BUT forgot about mine. I awoke with .. a fresh start and gathered my time BUT I changed my mind. ~Debbie Turner Chavers Loved by Faithful Jehovah God The love of the Father is not like this poem of fickle affections. Human times constantly. God is not fickle, but faithful. A love given that builds not borrows, gives not takes. Embraced, but free to go. You are LOVED by He who will not lie and has told you so. ~Debbie Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. 1

Poem: Shoes of Peace

Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed? © 2004 Debbie Turner Chavers Amos 3:3 Shoes of Peace Following the Worthy One In shoes of peace The road ahead is broad Where nary a soul one meets Who hasn't heard of the sorrow led by weary, laden, rebellious feet Where Christ is calling Your baggage can be carted on the broad way, but must be dumped to walk the narrow path To take hold of a life worth living To yield a furrowed field and all your plans askew To journey an adventure where His mercy is ever new But .. the path is narrow Where my Savior tarried and made the Way Two can go together, yet One must hold the other Hands held and followed close Eyes fixed on the horizon The path.. Where mercy flowed Where weary travelers left their load Discarded their stains and woe Following Christ and.. Away they go ~© 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers Cleansed and Redeemed Initial sketch  © 1996 Debbie Turner Chavers John 14:6   

Martha, Martha- Time to Refresh

The Sabbath Man? © 1998 Debbie Turner Chavers Water-Man Series As I thought of my daily physical and spiritual activity this past week, I realized I was in need of refreshing. As If my heart and mind were not telling me loud enough...a detector in my home started an intermittent beep followed by a verbal warning that said "Low Battery" every so often. There is always another task and another place to go. But let's stay home...and sit at His feet. So what if... God really speaks to us in the mist of our daily endeavor? Yes, mist..not midst. So what if....He did? Would you pause to listen? To gather your bearings, possibly chart a new course? Would you begin to unload your be still and really listen? Cast Your Cares © 2014 Debbie Turner Chavers Water-Man Series At times we flounder in our thoughts and life choices. Stabbing at every passing thought with a small movement toward recognition. We search for patterns in the maze of life

Father Me

Psalm 23-Beside Still Waters Psalm 23:1-6 © 2008 Debbie Turner Chavers This morning I awoke with a verse of scripture resounding in my thoughts. It was a morning thought pertaining to a portion of Psalm 23:6.. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.  A beautiful verse, one which I am in the habit of confessing over my life and loved ones. But this morning in my sleepy condition I said the verse a bit different..which woke me with a start due to my perceived error. *What I prayed was "Surely your goodness and mercy shall Father me all the days of my life." As I recognized my miswording of the known scripture, I felt the Lord prompt me to consider what I had prayed. So I did.  I am asking you to consider my unintentional prayer for your own life also. What would this manifested prayer look like in your own life? Allow God to be a "Father" to you. Father God, thank you. I praise and thank you that surely  your goodnes

Reflections/snoitcelfeR on James 1:22-24

So the journey with this Art Parable started more than 20 years ago and I am still discovering the meaning of these scriptures. I am posting the initial drawing I sketched in 1996 of Reflections/snoitcelfeR ©1996 Debbie Turner Chavers. This is a bit of an introduction into how my scripture study, drawing, and painting of Art Parables processes over time, sometimes over years! *I will post the "finished painting" from this 1996 sketched version at a later date. As with any endeavor in our walk with God, He has opened my eyes of understanding layer by layer. Twenty years ago I was living in Hawaii and obviously that translated to my sketch. When the Lord first showed me this particular image with James 1:22-24 I saw it quite personally. Yet as with most things in our life, knowledge and application of bible study have changed me as God  has showed me the universal need of all to see Him. So a lot of my imagery for my art parables are Water-Men to represent everyone, mal

Mirrored Reflections-Art Parable

Mirrored Reflections © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers James 1:22-24 God's word causes us to see ourselves. The glass is like a two way mirror! Walk His Way and forget what manner of man or woman you once were and see the new creation you have become. We are called to be Christ followers-mirrored reflections of His perfection. James 1:22   But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your ownselves. James 1:23  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass. James 1:24  For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. Studying this scripture I noted a few things.  The hearing and doing required effort, due diligence.  A steady walk and a continual study of God's word. Relationships are hard to maintain when effort is only put forth occasionally.  Spend time with God in fellowship and study of His word. Even in our everyday life our

Eye to Eye Friendship

Waiting to Be Filled © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers Friendship is a sacred trust. Jesus has said we are his friends. He has given us a place of honor, a seat at the bride grooms table. He bids us come and eat and be filled. He has called us Friend.  Fellowship within the body of Christ is a call to keep our eyes on Christ. In our natural state we surely will disappoint one another. We are to judge fruit..not one another. No logs or motes are we to see but only remember He is the one who hung on a tree and shed His blood for you and me. His eyes are ever on us, and as His child and friend we are to honor that sacred trust and fix our gaze upon Him. Eye to eye. Recently I met someone for lunch and prayed about the intended fellowship and the possible future friendship. I sought the Lord in prayer..talking out loud to Him as I traveled to the destination. My question was answered. The answer was..Mine the treasure that is within this new acquaintance. The treasure is the knowle

Grace and Color Chips of White

Behold the Man,The Word Became Flesh © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers John 1:14 It is difficult for a human to realize the purity of righteousness until they have recognized the dark stain of unrighteousness. Pure white never looks as brilliant to the natural eye until contrasted with another color. I was not able to appreciate spotless until I saw my sin from His view. I had played in the world and needed a cleaning transformation. But my perception was ..I am a good person. A nice person. We have many variations of self perceived self righteousness. I was wrong. Just as there are no stages of perfection achieved by human endeavor there are no stages of salvation. We have nothing to add in our flesh except submission to His perfect gift of righteousness. It is no longer about who I am, but whose I am. A "good' person sees themselves and their actions as a neutral white. But visit any paint aisle and you will be amazed at the many hues of white.  Human

Preparation and Persistance in Study and Prayer

Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers Close-up of  Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers We prepare ourselves to meet needs and the LORD fills us and enlarges our understanding of the Word and His Way.  We also have friends on their journey and it is a grief of heart to have nothing to set before them. Take time as needed to study to show yourself approved.  The three loaves reminded me of the knowledge of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You ask.. You seek.. You knock.. Someone is going to show up. Be prepared. ~ Debbie Luke 11:5-9  And he said unto them,  Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves: For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, trouble me not; the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed: I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, Th

Art Parables-Light and Shadow 1 and 2 Series

I have been studying Ephesians 6 for a while now. I have completed two art parables of the Light and Shadow series. We are in a real war daily, unseen by most, yet evident to those in the battle.  Remember God will NEVER leave or forsake you. Not if, but when the enemy comes in like a flood, remember your Savior Jesus Christ has overcome the forces of Hell and has secured your freedom and victory. We are more than conquers through Christ Jesus. Our sure victory is in the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. We are composed of mind,body, spirit and soul,submit it all to God. Light and Shadow 1 © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers Ephesians 6:10-18 Water-Man Series In version 1, the imagery is holding not let go of the salvation that has been accomplished in you. In version 2 it is a reminder of the Water-Man painting in the keyhole of "Ye Must Be Born Again" ( click here ) to see it. In this version they have been born again and are w

No Condemnation but Correction

Fishing Vessel © Debbie Turner Chavers There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, but there is correction. We are sons and daughters of the LORD. It is the love of our Heavenly Father who chastens us and conforms us into the image of His Son. At times the gifts of God in us is used to correct us and sometimes He allows His gift in others to bring small corrections in our daily path in the course of our days. Most times we assume correction is a whooping...but usually it is more of a time out. A setting aside, a Selah pause to stop what we are currently doing and consider the correction. God is very tender hearted toward us and the leading of the Holy Spirit is gentle. I am referencing the term of correction as a form of direction.  Direction toward or away from a known way or a determined path. As children of God we do not order our footsteps. The Lord does and has a plan in place for us before we were born. Psalm 37 and 139. When a captain is steering a ship the

Warning! For Real?

The body has many parts. Yet man has the ability to mimic or copy the original very convincingly. Warning! Not all parts are real. They represent as real when cloaked, or dressed. But when brought into the light of day, the obvious is evident. Fake. A person representing as a member in the Body of Christ Jesus can manifest the same spiritually. Man can appear as one of Christ's own yet in reality be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Do not be deceived. In modern society, man has the ability to create natural appearing body parts to enhance appearance...looks normal on the outside but closer inspection reveals the truth.  Usually only those close to the subject ever see the truth in the natural body, but spiritual falseness can be identified by all with godly instruction. Scripture warns us to try all spirits and see if they be of God. Not everyone who appears to be godly or sincere is actually the real deal in reality. Without the light of God's word and His Holy Spirit it is


A Cup of Blessing © 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers An encouragement to practice your God given gifts. To learn to soar with ease on the wind of His Spirit. This past week I had the privilege of watching a nest of fledglings take to the air. Stretch your wings and learn to fly. The skill for your gift is already in you but you and I must practice. If you have ever watched a young bird learn to fly you will observe that altitude is not achieved easily at first. Very small but insistent Sparrow parents tweeted encouragement from the sidelines. Swooping in and flying away until all had left the nest. It is hard to watch another struggle to learn how to fly. But just as God has equipped the birds of the air to fly, He has also equipped us to do what He has called and gifted us to do while on this earth. Our teacher, the Holy Spirit of God is not on the side lines of life. He abides in us. Teaching and leading us to the Father. Stir up the gift of God within you. Pray. Go about doing

The Commission

Ye Must Be Born Again-John 3:3 © 2012 Debbie Turner Chavers   Ye Must Be Born Again © 2012 Debbie Turner Chavers Every cent has been paid, every debt removed. Only sin is bankrupted! We have been redeemed and we say so! Christ followers are not purveyors of selling the Gospel. We are voices raised in the wilderness of this world. Go and tell or Stay and build. But in all give God the glory. We have been redeemed, the price has been paid. Feed those who are hungry, share the water of life to those who hunger and thirst for His righteousness. He loved us when no one else would. Do the same. Be about your Father's business. The gift of one called and submitted made an eternal difference. Be a gift, not a commodity. In Him, with Him. All things are possible. We are all on a journey toward eternity. We all travel differently but the destination of Heaven can only be reached through Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the door. ~Debbie Psalm

Working Out

Our feelings may not always agree with the facts of the Word of God. But as we exercise our faith and our understanding we will change. "Let it burn, let it shake, let it change" is the tag my favorite fitness instructor  Suzanne Bowen  uses as I exercise. This analogy "Burn, shake, change" tag can also be applied as an exercise for our thought processes concerning our understanding of God's word. We do not yet know as we ought. We are daily being conformed to His image. We have been given the mind of Christ, yet at times refuse to walk it out in our everyday life and challenges. Let every man be a liar, yet God be true. May our faith be solid and unmovable in the truth that the Holy Spirit has revealed in our hearts, minds, and lives, lived unto God. May that which is unholy, in error, or disobedient within us  burn  up in the Presence of His Truth. When our mind, body, spirit and soul are exercised in the Word of God..internal and external  shaking  wi

Eat Well And Exercise

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone © 2006 Debbie Turner Chavers Luke 4:4 Galatians 5:16-25 Water-Man Series I am eating lunch as I type this. I am finished with what I appointed my lunch to be, but I am still physically hungry. As I push aside the desire to consume more food, I hear the gentle encouragement of a known nutritional fact. It takes the human brain 20 minutes after eating to recognize satiety level. So my body aka my flesh is being a bully! It has been fed..yet demands MORE natural food. Our flesh does not submit to reason, unless you eat the Word of God and exercise the fruit of the Spirit. Don't be bullied. We have been blessed with the ability to eat that which will do us good. Eat that which is scripturally filling and exercise yourself in the things of God. "Eat well " she said "But do not develop a taste for lovely words left unsaid. " ~Debbie Turner Chavers Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good; blesse


The Sabbath Man? © 1998 Debbie Turner Chavers Water-Man Series Do you work and live your walk in Christ Jesus..jockeying for position in the kingdom? Be found faithful, serving Him. Not as men pleasers, but as servants and children of God. In areas of our ego, less of us and more of Him always equals more in kingdom work. Allow Christ Jesus in you to shine. The Sabbath rest that He bought for you is not perceived as rest by you or others when you are self-striving. Birthing things in the flesh...self-effort is foolish and draining. Rest in Christ Jesus, allow Him to do what only He can do. ~Debbie 2 Colossians 3:22-24    Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eye service, as men pleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. **Just as a pen can'

Water In Season and Out

Word Buoys -Life Preservers © 2015 Debbie Turner Chavers I am blessed by the water of the word of God. The ability to swim year round no matter the temperature of life, relationships, or the weather. There is always shelter and safety to be found in God and his word. In the book of Ephesians we are shown order for marriage and relationships as ordained by God and recorded in His Word. Jesus Christ literally lived it out, died once, and rose again to establish our salvation. I love the mental flesh check of "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. Ephesians 5:29,30 We would do well to remember His admonition before, after, and during the agreement of  "I do." As Christ did and does, so we are to do. Life and our interactions with one another can leave us feeling less than freshly washed at times. Life, people and situations can com

Art Parable: Child of Light Rising-Child of Light Risen

Child of Light   Rising © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers John 11:21-26 Water-man series Child of Light   Risen © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers John 11:21-26 Water-man series  As I started this particular Art Parable last year I felt the need to stop working on it. Every time I would approach it to begin researching the scriptures for it and painting I would feel a disconnect.  After prayer I realized that my timing was off and there was something more that God wanted to show me. During this period of time my brother-in-law died unexpectedly and this Art Parable laid on my desk waiting.  The loss of anyone not just a loved one leaves humans with so many questions. My family found comfort in God's word. I pray that you too will find comfort in God's word for any loss you may ever experience. Word  Buoys-Life Preservers and this art parable concept came to me as I was journaling some questions to the Lord and looking for answers in His word early last ye