Breathe Deeply
There is an automatic relaxation response when you breathe deeply. While working this morning I saw a picture of the ocean and involuntarily took a deep breath and felt a flood of peacefulness pass across me. Relax my mind tells me. I comply by focusing momentarily on the moment. Literally taking a moment, to take in the moment. I have on purpose placed an object, a color, or a sound in my immediate atmosphere to cause me to focus on a positive, deep breath. To use these things to refocus my attention on the positive. My goal is to be mindful. To walk in peace, to relax. God's written word, the Bible has a similar effect on me. So I take time to rest in His word. Inwardly I breath in His breathe, His peace which passes understanding. Allowing His Spirit to renew my mind in His word. As I focus on His written Word, I breath deeply, feeling the cares of the moment slipping a way, until His way has pre-eminence in me. There are many ways to cause the Relax response. ...