Jesus or "Mr" Jesus
Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed? © 2004 Debbie Turner Chavers Amos 3:3 More than a few months ago, I attended a teaching sermon and made copious notes with reference to who had spoke. Making a lot of notes is normal for me. It is my habit to write the name or initials of the one who spoke. But on this particular occasion, instead of writing the initials of the speakers, I found myself writing the name of the teachers as Mr. And Mrs....instead of Brother and Sister ?. Once I left the teaching session, I pondered why I had written my notes in this manner. The teachers appeared to be a brother and sister of mine, in Christ, so I was puzzled by my written note formality. As I thought on it, I realized that I had verbally acknowledged their kinship in Christ, but mentally, I knew there was not an established relationship between us, which transferred to my notes. This train of thought led to a further pondering of initial salvation and the formality and in...