Once Saved. Always Saved?
Questions and answers. From the very first days of my salvation I have been asked about and told of other peoples concept of once saved, always saved. So I decided to write a few of my thoughts on this question. ..once saved, always saved? From my perspective it has never been about whether Jesus changed His mind about my salvation, but did I? At any point in my walk with God, past, present or future, did I change my mind? Am I walking away from Him or toward Him? He has promised to never leave or forsake me. Did He mean it? Yes . Did I mean it? Am I backing it up with my obedience? Am I applying myself to the study of His word to show myself approved? So, I ask myself, "Have I applied it"? Am I applying it? His word, am I actively participating in my relationship with Christ? Once saved? Yes, I was once saved. And since I am in a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ, I have committed myself to the nurturing of this relationship. Not of works, lest I...